The problem of ensuring of social and psychological safety of a personality
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social-psychological safety of a personality
characteristics of the social-psychological
interpersonal relations
hampered communication
hampered communication subject
ensuring of the social-psychological safety of a personality


This article emphasizes that due to the presentday conditions it becomes relevant to study the psychological safety through analysis of interpersonal relations system. Whereas the better people in a group know and understand each other, the higher is the psychological safety level in interpersonal relations, obviously, it is necessary to speak of the social-psychological safety of a personality. It is noted, that a person’s relations system is actualized through communication. The efficiency of the communication process organization in many ways determines the personal relations system, and thus, the people’s social-psychological safety. It means that in order to ensure the social-psychological safety of a personality, the special attention should be paid to studying of the hampered communication phenomenon, various forms of its exertion, psychological determinants. It is shown that these problems analysis will help to work out particular practical guidelines for optimization of the interpersonal relations, which, eventually, will favor the development of the social-psychological safety of a personality.
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