Features of Modern Man Hardiness in the Pandemic Era
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risk taking
coping with stress
coping strategy
pandemic era


Abstract: Introduction. The article raises the actual problem of instability and uncertainty in the modern world associated with the pandemic and the social restrictions that followed it. In particular, the influence of the levels of resilience components on the effectiveness of the behavior of representatives of helping professions in the era of VUCA has not been studied before. The experimental study aimed to analyze the hardiness characteristics of various population groups in a pandemic situation. Methods. The study used the original Maddy Hardiness Survey adapted by D. A. Leont'ev and E. I. Rasskazova. The experimental study was conducted in Yelets, Lipetsk region, and 360 people (girls and women) participated. The sample was made up of representatives of different social groups: students, teachers of educational organizations, social workers, and healthcare workers (an equal number from each group). Statistical analysis of the results was carried out using single-factor analysis of variance, Student’s t-test using the SPSS-21 software package. Results. The study results showed that most of the students and teachers who participated in the experiment have a high level of hardiness, while a third of the residents of these groups have a low level; medical workers are equally characterized by high and medium levels, and social workers demonstrated almost identical indicators of high and low levels. The data obtained allow us to conclude about more developed indicators of hardiness in medical workers. However, statistical analysis of the results shows that the level of resilience does not depend on the type of employment of the respondents. Discussion. Analysis of the degree of one or another component of the manifestation of hardiness in the respondents showed that “control” is dominant. It indicates that most respondents are convinced that the mobilization of internal forces will allow them to adapt to a situation of uncertainty and cope with stressful circumstances of life.

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