In the article results of experimental research of social mobility of subjects having different types of vital resources are revealed. It was examined containing and structural features of personal vital resource as a complex psychological construct integrating differ- ent on a level of complexity phenomena, allowing to reach vital success and to overcome difficulties and extremenesses. It is given a substantiation of experimental methods and techniques which have allowed to distinguish three types of personal dominants of vital resources of personality vital resources with dominants of intellectual, cognitive and emotional component; vital resources with dominants of value and semantic component; vital resources with dominants of social and psychological component. Among the subjects belonging to different groups according to dominants of vital resources, vital facts testifying a level of their social mobility were established. Dominants of these groups of vital resources have been put in a basis of intersubject differentiation reflecting a typological peculiarity of person. Comparative features of examinees’ social mobility are revealed. It is established, that domination of internal vital resources with prevalence of a value and semantic component is combined with low enough social mobility of respondents.
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