Socio-Psychological Factors and Characteristics of the Subjective Experience of Loneliness in the Student’s Age
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subjective loneliness
loneliness experience
personality traits
coping strategies
socio-psychological factors
experience characteristics


Abstract: Introduction. The article analyzes a multidimensional subjective construct in terms of types and content, the experience of loneliness among university students. The idea of the loneliness dual nature as both a negative state, a resource that actualizes the social connections of the subjects, and a need-based state aimed at self-knowledge is expanded. The composition of the loneliness components, represented by three orthogonal factors, is determined. It is noted that the specifics of the experience of loneliness and the factors determining it will affect the effectiveness of educational activities and adaptation, leading to the devaluation of tasks or self-development and self-improvement of the student. Methods. The following methods were used: “The UCLA Loneliness Scale” by D. Russell and M. Ferguson; “Multidimensional Inventory of Loneliness Experience (MILE)” by E. N. Osin, D. A. Leont'ev; “The anxiety self–assessment test” by C. D. Spielberger – Y. L. Khanin; “Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale, (SDS)”; questionnaire by G. R. Shagivaleeva, “Diagnosis of communicative and organizational aptitudes” (COA-I); the methodology “Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations” (CISS) (authors – S. Norman, D. F. Endler, D. A. James, M. I. Parker). The study design assumed the determination of integral loneliness factors (factor analysis), followed by a z-score calculation for each respondent and the influence of additional factors identification. Using the Mann–Whitney U test and the x2 test, the difference in loneliness experience was revealed depending on sex, nationality, and place of residence. Results and Discussion. Factor analysis allowed us to identify the component composition of loneliness, represented by three integral variables: depressive experience of loneliness, positive experience of loneliness, and experience of loneliness in interpersonal relationships. The content of each type of loneliness experience and its socio-psychological determinants are found. Among the personal factors of experiencing loneliness, trait anxiety, depression, and perfectionism, coping strategies are highlighted. Significant factors of socio-psychological nature were gender, place of primary residence, and nationality. The dual nature of the experience of loneliness is confirmed.
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