Structural and Content Characteristics of Students’ Social Representations of Psychological Help


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psychological help
social representations
prototypical analysis
structural approach
representation core
representation periphery
attitude to psychologists
social constructionism


Introduction. The relevance of current research is determined by the need of the population to resolve their problems and at the same time by existing prejudices and low awareness about the possibilities of psychological help. The research was based on S. Moscovici’s concept of social representations; using structural approach, we were the first to identify structural and content characteristics of students’ representations of psychological help. Methods. The study sample was composed of 498 students of Moscow universities (17–25 years old) and 50 respondents of early adulthood and middle age (33–55 years old). The attitude towards psychological help was analyzed using an original questionnaire; the level of readiness to receive help from a psychologist was determined using the questionnaire ‘Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale’ (E. H. Fischer, A. Farina), adapted for the Russian sample. To systematize the data, we used content analysis, Vergès’ prototypical analysis, and methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The core of psychological help representations contains such associations as ‘help’, ‘support’, ‘conversation’, ‘salvation’; the periphery includes constructs like ‘understanding’, ‘advice’, ‘psychologist’, and ‘treatment/therapy’ (first periphery), as well as ‘way out’, ‘deceit’, ‘problem solution’, and ‘relief’ (second periphery). Content analysis allowed to aggregate the content of the core and the periphery into four groups: ‘relief of the condition’, ‘problems’, ‘support’, and ‘interaction’. Discussion. The level of readiness to seek psychological assistance is significantly higher for young women than for young men, and in general, women regardless of their age have greater trust in such help. Students are less focused on seeking professional support compared to older adults. The most important criteria in the choice of a psychologist are the methods that he or she uses, work experience, and age. Conclusions. Students’ positive representations of psychological help are primarily manifested in the ability to receive support and relieve their emotional state. Increasing the level of trust in psychologists among the population will facilitate maintenance of psychological well-being and full integration of young people into the system of providing psychological help.
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