Introduction. In the global fight against terrorism and the pursuit of cultural harmony, Saudi Arabia prioritizes fostering cross-cultural understanding amidst ongoing societal change. This necessitates evaluating cultural conflict among youth in Saudi Arabia, justifying the selection of the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire (MPQ) for this study. Objective. The aim of this study is to identify a suitable multicultural personality scale and translate it into Arabic. Additionally, the study seeks to assess the psychometric properties of the adapted scale, focusing on its validity and reliability in measuring relevant personality traits. Methods. To investigate the research questions, a survey was administered to a convenience sample comprising 921 participants (380 males and 541 females) from the target population. These individuals were asked to complete the Arabic Version of the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire (AV-MPQ). Results. The findings suggest the Arabic Version of the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire (AV-MPQ) demonstrates promising psychometric properties within the Saudi context. This is based on evidence indicating good validity and acceptable reliability indices. Discussion. Our findings suggest the AV-MPQ holds promise as a research tool for investigating multicultural personality within Arabic contexts. However, further research is necessary to solidify its validity and generalizability. Studies employing larger, random samples and exploring the AV-MPQ in diverse populations are crucial. This will enhance our understanding of multicultural personality and its potential role in cultural conflict.
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