Introduction. In the police profession, illegitimate tasks have detrimental impacts on personal and organizational wellbeing. It affects job performance, job satisfaction level and relationship between law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve. There is no valid questionnaire to measure illegitimate police task stress. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate the psychometric features of illegitimate police tasks stress questionnaire (IPTSQ). Methods. The present study employed a mixed-methods approach, integrating both qualitative and quantitative methods to explore illegitimate tasks among police officials (N=620) in Pakistan. We conducted exploratory factor analysis on 160 employees and later cross validated on best factor structure identified by way of confirmatory factor analysis on 460 police officials. Results. The result showed that the illegitimate police tasks stress questionnaire was composed of 21 items with 2 factors (unnecessary tasks and unreasonable tasks). The composite reliability of IPTSQ was 0.89. Discussion. In conclusion, it is valid, reliable and easy to use scale. The psychometric properties of this scale are satisfactory, making it well-suited for research purposes, policies, or decision makers in police department. This scale would help the police department evaluate and prioritize tasks in a way that is consistent with their fundamental goal of maintaining public safety and enforcing the law.
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