School bullying: signs of social maladjustment in Offenders, Victims, and Victim-Offenders
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Screening method
diagnostics of maladjustment


Introduction. The goal of the article is the analysis of social maladjustment among schoolchildren
involved in bullying in different roles: «Offender», «Victim», and «Victim-Offender». The capabilities
of the "Screening method for diagnosing propensity to extremism" (R. V. Kadyrov, T. V. Kapustina,
E. V. Sadon, A. S. Elzesser) in a study of bullying are shown. The psychological features of the
least studied role of "Victim-Offender" are revealed. Methods. The study involved 206 high school
students aged 15–18 years. To identify groups of schoolchildren participating in bullying, the
«Bullying situation at school» (V. R. Petrosyants) method was used, to determine the severity of social
maladjustment – a «Screening method for diagnosing propensity to extremism» (R. V. Kadyrov et al.);
the psychological characteristics of the groups were determined using the «Individual typological
questionnaire» (L. N. Sobchik), and «Test of aggressiveness» (L. G. Pochebut). Results. Signs of
social maladjustment were found in all groups involved in bullying, with the most acuteness in
Victims and Victim-Offenders. Among the signs of maladaptation were identified: for Offenders –
attention-seeking, preference for computer games with predominant components of violence, low
mood, and loss of energy; for Victims – closedness and aloofness, low mood; for Victim-Offenders –
enmity, sympathy for deviants, closedness. Victim-Offenders combine the maladjustment traits
of both the initiator and the target of bullying. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in the
psychological characteristics of bullying participants are determined. Compared with others, the
Offenders group expressed such traits as spontaneity, aggressiveness, and nonconformity. Victims
have expressed introversion, anxiety, self-aggression, and dependence, as well as a negative
correlation with lability. No significant correlations were found for the Victim-Offender group. All
bullying participants showed signs of social maladjustment – experiencing loneliness, a negative
attitude towards others, and difficulties with trust. Discussion of the results. The results obtained
are consistent with the facts noted by other researchers, such as the use of bullying by Offenders
to increase their position in the informal hierarchy, their pronounced impulsiveness and desire for
dominance; introversion, anxiety, and closedness in Victims; trust difficulties, introversion, anxiety,
and hostility in Victim-Offenders.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Tatyana V. Kapustina, Anastasiya S. Elzesser, Lidiya V. Mandrykina, Anton S. Gaidai