Student’s Adaptation to Distance Learning (on Example of Armenian and Russian Students): Psychoemotional Features
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Ключевые слова

distance learning
psychoemotional condition
state anxiety
ethnic Armenians
ethnic Russians


Introduction. The article substantiates an individually and socially significant problem that is relevant to different educational systems and countries: the recent forced transition to distance learning. Distance learning is a set of educational services, which is provided through a special information and educational environment. The current study aims to investigate the attitude of ethnic Armenians and Russians to distance learning during that affected psychoemotional condition of personality.

Methods. The study investigated the experience from distance learning in students from Russia and Armenia (N = 185, M age = 21.98, SD age = 5.73). The study was conducted using State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (S-Anxiety scale) and authors’ questionnaire to assess distance learning experience.

Results. The majority of Armenian and Russian students mentioned advantages of distance learning, such as they found it convenient, were satisfied and had adequate home conditions for learning. However, some disadvantages were mentioned including the difficulty of the objective assessment of their knowledge in distance learning context. Statistical analysis allowed to observe relationship between the anxiety level and students’ experience with distance learning, i.e., the adaptation level and the satisfaction value. Additionally, the association between adaptation level and the country of residence was found along with the determinants of distance learning effectivity.

Discussion. The study revealed the main trends in students’ perception of distance learning on the territory of Armenia and Russia. We showed the association between psychoemotional features and assessment of distance learning.
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