Introduction. Extant research has focused on the antecedents of culture, suggesting that a group's culture results from internal and external changes experienced by the group members or successfully transferred by the group leader. The current study aims to understand leaders' role in shaping organisational culture based on their behaviour in temporary work settings. Research to date has mostly focused on leadership styles, not behaviours such as Avoidant behaviour, and yet to examine How leaders' behaviours influence Individual and Organizational Outcomes in project-based firms. Methods. Two hundred ninety-seven leaders and followers (project manager and team members) from Lahore and Islamabad's NGOs participated in the study. Results. A leader's avoidant behaviour positively impacts conflict culture, which affects the individual's performance and organisational well-being. Results identified that CC is a product of behaviour that positively influences counterproductive work behaviour. The present research cannot prove moderation with suggested relations, but direct results unfold the interesting facet. Discussion. The research has found consistent results concerning previous studies. The research has also contributed theoretically and contextually. The research has implications for companies, leaders, and employees. Future researchers might broaden the study's scope by incorporating other constructs, such as employee promotive voice.
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