The Phenomenology of Experiences and the Success of Adaptation of Forced Migrants
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forced migrants
phenomenology of experiences
existential crisis
post-traumatic stress disorder
coping strategies
types of adaptation
psychological assistance
psychological support


The article focuses on the problem of migration. In the last few years the scale of this problem has caused a crisis in Europe. The number of migrants from North Africa, Middle East, and South Asia to Europe has grown to over half a million people this year. The authors analyze the problem of migration from the South-East of Ukraine to the Republic of Belarus, because of military operations in this region since 2014.
The phenomenon of mass migration is new for the Republic of Belarus. Since the successful adaptation of migrants determines their socio-psychological well-being, as well as the welfare of the population of Belarus in whole, this problem requires a comprehensive study.
The aim of the present study was to reveal (a) the features and nature of the experiences of forced migrants, factors determining the intensity, depth, and duration of these experiences, and (b) the success of their adaptation in the Republic of Belarus. The results of the study demonstrated that despite the similarity of Ukrainian and Belarusian cultures and absence of language barrier, the process of migration
was the strongest stress factor for Ukrainians, since it was the unplanned and forced escape from a situation of war. The carried out analysis enabled the authors to argue that prolonged intense negative emotions were characteristic to a number of forced migrants from the South-East of Ukraine who arrived to the Republic of Belarus. These
negative emotions led to post-traumatic stress disorder, identity crisis, and the loss of meaning of life. The findings of the study can be successfully used for the development of an effective program of assistance to forced migrants in crisis situations.
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