Psychological Features of Aggressiveness and Hostility of Youth of the South of Russia (on the Example of Russian and Karachay Girls)
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indirect aggression
legitimized aggression
behavior in conflict
destructive behavior
social influence
ethno-cultural dialogue


The study of the psychological features of young people of the Southern Russia received special relevance in the conditions of the changing political, economic and social situation. The youth was a reflector of progressive ideas on improvement of society at all times, and defended the human rights by the meetings, revolts and
protests, which are in essence aggression manifestations. If earlier protection of human rights and thirst of changes to the best were the purpose of similar performances, but now on the rise of extremist and terrorist groups, the creators of which use the desire of young people to achieve justice for their own purposes, making them dangerous to society actors. The question about the nature of similar processes
remains to be opened. The article presents the results of a study on the types, severity and context of aggressive and hostile behavior, preferred strategies of behavior in conflict, the types of socially approved aggression and level of motivation of achievement / failure
avoidance at 105 young girls of the Russian and Karachay nationalities, aged from 18 till 29 years. The analysis of contemporary literature, that demonstrates insufficient knowledge of the problem of aggressive and hostile behavior among young people, as well as its relevance, is carried out. The biological and social factors, that underlie aggressive behavior of the personality, are considered. According to the results of statistical data processing, the common features, inherent in representatives of both nationalities, and intra-group features are revealed. The emphasis is placed on the need to adjustment of ethno-cultural dialogue and on need of society in a significant reduction of the range of legitimized
aggression and in the strengthening of social control, because the legitimized aggression is a source of learning specific forms of aggressive behavior and ways for their implementation.
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