Development of pupils in interdisciplinary contexts
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personal development
interdisciplinary contexts
content-genetic logic
the theory of structures, axiology
existential theories


It is generally recognized by teachers and psychologists that the global purpose of modern education is development of a person. In psychology development is defined as new mental formations. In this connection an activity is considered as a source for development,
and leading kinds of activity are distinguished in its structure. The authors of the present article show that a considerable developing resource for education can be taken from non-psychological theories. Semiotics, synergy, content-genetic logic, the theory of structures, axiology, existential theories, philosophy are among them. In each of the named spheres of knowledge development is defined taking into account its specificity and it differs. In these interdisciplinary contexts in comparison with psychological one development appears more system and enriched, as an ambiguous, heterogeneous, and, at the same time, an integral phenomenon.
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